We’ve done everything we’re supposed to by now. We have gotten the nursery together, had multiple baby showers, interviewed pediatricians, contacted relatives, made numerous visits to the hospital, and attended three classes through our hospital. I’ve read books, she hasn’t…which is a bit odd. We’ve done everything we can think of to get ourselves and our home ready for our baby to come home, so now we wait.
For the first time today it hit me that in not too much longer we’ll be a family of three. I’ve said that before, but this time it’s hit me hard. I think it’s because the other couple due right around us is on the maternity/paternity leave and that means ours isn’t much behind them. I’m nervous, scared, excited, lost for words…everything all at once, and that’s strange for me. Hopefully, everything works out as it’s supposed to and everything will go relatively smoothly. We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow with a sonogram scheduled, so I guess I’ll know more tomorrow.