Professional Juggler

I have never been a very good juggler.  In P.E. they tried hard to get me to juggle.  We started out with scarves, bean bags, and tennis balls but I just could not manage to be very good no matter how I tried.  Sure, as an adult I can occasionally spin a few items in the air, but I will never be confused with a circus juggling act.

As a professional I feel like I am learning about having to juggle a lot of responsibility.  I have multiple arenas all vying for my time and attention and it seems like as soon as soon as one of these areas is doing well another of them falls apart.

As a parent, my kids are growing up fast.  Right when my wife and I think we have things under control they grow into another issue.  I understand that this is a part of “growing up” but it still freaks me out that my two are growing up so differently.

As a teacher, my life is always a bit out of control.  Right when I think I understand Middle School students they will do something that surprises me.  I love that they keep me on my toes, but at times it seems a little overwhelming.

As a student, I feel like I am constantly on the edge of losing control.  My classes have been great and I am learning a lot.  With that being said, I wish I could learn in a classroom as opposed to learning through technology.  I am hoping that learning in a different way will help me in the end grow from my experience.

With these three balls in the air my life tends to feel on the precipice of falling apart.  I am looking forward to some down time over the holidays to relax and prepare for the craziness that is the spring semester.