End of the School Year

Based on the dates of my posts, you can see that the end of the school year was a bit of a busy time.  With faculty and students on six different campuses, a lot of my time was spent driving and putting out fires only to leave and repeat at another campus.

I’m really proud of the way my campus handled the adversity of this spring semester.  We had a lot going on and we stuck with it and persevered.

Looking back on my participation in the spring semester, I found that I was running around and lacked focus in some areas.  It’s to be expected, but I think I neglected to slow down and “enjoy” what was going on around me sometimes.  I was so busy getting things done that I didn’t spend time talking and building relationships with the staff on my campuses.  There was always a good reason for me to not spend more time (the pursuit of getting things done), but I wish I had been more intentional with my time.

I’m ready to get back on to one campus next year, but I’m not sorry that I went through this year.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to look back and gain perspective on difficult times in the future.  I’ll be able to learn and grow from what we went through.  Isn’t that the ultimate point of difficulty?  Learning from the struggle.