This time of year is always the time where I start to get nervous. Not because of a test coming up or because of a specific unit. I get nervous that I’m doing things wrong. As I reflect on this, it’s funny because I know I’m going out of my way to do the right thing and teach my students the correct way.
I think some of this is because I feel like I’m becoming stagnant in the technology I’m utilizing in the classroom. I want to be on the forefront of technology on my campus, but that is tough to do. I’m going to rework my lesson plans in the next few weeks to take some risks using technologies. Some that I’ve heard of, but haven’t utilized are Exploros and GoFormative. I’m also going to spend some time looking into other things I can use and try them out.
I think I’m also letting good be the enemy of perfect. Our district has moved to listing learning targets in very specific ways. I’m still adapting to this new way of communicating the point of the lesson to my students and it’s a learning process. Hopefully through trial and error I’ll be able to learn how to do this better as a teacher.
Next week my goal is to post how I utilized at least three new technologies in the classroom and my experience with them. Stay tuned for more on this.