Training is one of those things in life that you either love or hate. I have always found that I’d rather be over-trained compared to under-trained, but that’s just me. The question I’ve run up against a few times is whether I’d rather travel for outside training or be trained in house and I think I have an answer.
Inside training is easy for a number of logistical reasons. They are usually closer to you and you might know other people getting trained. There is a chance that the person conducting the training knows your specific circumstance and more about the kids you’re teaching on a day-to-day basis. The downside is that I rarely come away with as many “aha” moments when I attend a local training. I feel like I see people utilizing things in a slightly different way or teaching something in a slightly different way.
Outside training is difficult from a travel perspective (usually). For instance, when I taught US History, very little content from before the Civil War happens anywhere near Texas so I had to travel at least a little bit to see actual historical sites for training. The thing that outside training offer is the potential for world class teachers who have spent years on their particular topic and hands on experiences. I got the opportunity to live and be trained on the grounds at Mount Vernon (the home of George Washington) and the hands on experience was invaluable to a beginning US History teacher. I also got to listen to a number of scholars with huge experience when it comes to US History, Mount Vernon, and George Washington.
Again, I’m pro-training in any form. That being said, take a look at some training outside of your locale and see if you can figure out the logistics to get you there. You’ll be glad you did.